Playspots Dubai

Playspots Dubai,badminton courts Dubai, basket ball courts Dubai,cricket pitches dubai

Playspots in Dubai is Sports ground management platform for Venues, academies, and Individuals.football turf, badminton courts, gym, fitness, cricket pitches and academies,Playspots Dubai – Sports ground online booking & Management platform,football turf booking online

Some questions that you might have in mind about Playspots

  How can I get assistance if I need it?
1 ) How can I get assistance if I need it? Call the PLAYSPOTS Customer Support Team: Call us at - +971556813959
  Who are we?
We at Playspots, are passionate about the local sport, whether that means evening knockabouts or competitive matches. As keen footballers – certainly more keen than skilled, few things give us more pleasure during the week than meeting up with friends for kickabouts and sports. We have given us our fair share of insight into turf access on a local level, and we know the situation is far from ideal. For sports participation to be high, two things need to come together: high quality and ease of access. A few small barriers are often all that is needed to keep us indoors; the reality is that most people don’t have an hour to spend trying to organize a game of 5-a-side, and no-one enjoys hacking away in a space that just isn’t suitable.
  What we do?
Our aim is straightforward: we want it to be as easy as possible for people to get out and play sport in their local area. For managers, on the other hand, Turf management strains resources. Turfs may well have booking systems in place, but they often can’t afford to optimize and integrate these systems in the way needed to open their turfs to the widest public possible. For smaller organizations such as local sports clubs, whose administration may well be volunteer-driven, managing facilities efficiently is a huge challenge. Booking systems, if they exist at all, are likely to be inefficient and unreliable, frustrating managers and users alike.
  How can I list a turf in Playspots app?
You can send us your request along with your contact details here: www.playspots.ae and our support team will contact you.
  I did not receive a confirmation SMS/email for a transaction I am charged for.?
  Why do I have to provide the Mobile number?
Well, the simplest reason being that it is for the security of your transaction and also so that the booking confirmation can be sent to you via SMS