
Don’t take sports for granted!!

By Playspots Dec 8, 2020

People everywhere were following important steps to try and curtail the spread of a pandemic that is spreading quicker than our understanding of it that attention towards sports reduced unintentionally to a considerate level. For the past few weeks, they taught us that sports should never be taken for granted. In an unprecedented sequence of events, every single sporting league in the country was either canceled or postponed in the response to the covid-19 coronavirus.

When the teams and individuals that include friends, neighbors, and students make it to the pinnacle, they deserve to be supported, because players and teams like there shouldn’t be taken for granted. Time and money are valuable resources and it’s hard to tell people what to do with either, but sports have a unique way of connecting our communities.

Different sports tournaments represented normalcy then. Now it symbolizes fear and chaos. It is still not clear that will fanless tournament become the new norm. These weeks probably months without sporting events will be tough for the athletes and participants, people working in front offices or media, and the fans. In the end, hopefully, this will pass. Hopefully, these measures have been taken in time to limit the casualties and we can return to a feeling of normalcy in all facets of life, including sports.

We have taken sports for granted taken the freedom it illuminates for granted. Now we see how easily it can be snatched away, either in the blink of an eye or the rapid spread of an insidious virus.